Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light nor dark.... In any library in the world, I am at home, unselfconscious, still and absorbed.”
Germaine Greer
(Click on the image below to visit the PCC Library)

PCC library houses approximately 7,000 volumes, which includes nonfiction and fiction collections, 500 reference titles and 600 reserve and audio visual collections. The library also subscribes to a number of magazines including PC Magazines, National Geographic, Newsweek, Discover, Outdoor life etc…
The Main Library is open at such times as are announced on official notice boards.
Normal Hours :
Mon- Fri 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Student are not allowed in the library unless permisssion is granted by the Principal or Vice Principal during class periods.
In this regulation "book" includes all material, in whatever format, which is owned by, or in the custody of, the Library.
- All readers must obey instructions given by the senior member of staff on duty who is deemed to be acting with the authority of Librarian.
- It is an offence for anyone to behave in a manner likely to affect other users adversely (e.g. by disorderly behavior, by making unnecessary noise, by writing in books, or by persistently failing to return books on time). Eating, drinking, smoking and the use of personal radios or cassette players are not permitted. Mobile phones should be switched to silent.
- If the Librarian or the authorized deputy believes that a user has committed such an offence (in terms of above), immediate action may be taken by excluding the offender from the library building and by withdrawing the right to borrow. The suspension of borrowing privileges may either be until the books have been returned and the associated fines paid, or, in the case of persistent offenders, be for a fixed period.
- All patrons are expected to use this library resource in a responsible manner, consistent with the purposes for which it is provided, users are expected to respect the privacy and sensibilities of other users.
- Consequently, the use of the library’s computers to access material that is sexually explicit or violent is prohibited. This includes material that is pornographic, obscene or illegal, whether received through email or as a result of visits to adult sites. PCC reserves the right to determine what is pornographic or otherwise indecent and unacceptable behavior.
- Patrons must not use the library’s computers to gain access to restricted files or data belonging to others, perform any illegal activity, damage equipment or alter the set up of computers used to access the Internet.
- Patrons using computer services including the Internet are expected to abide by the Rules of Conduct. Refusal to adhere to the guidelines here outlined or the direction of the Librarian will result in the termination of Internet or computer sessions and or suspension of the user’s library privileges.
Ms. Nicole Seepersadsingh
Librarian I
Ms. Keithsha Howell
Library Assistant I
Ms. Satira Khan
Library Assistant II